Inclusive Toolkits Team Portugal
Click on the image or on the link below to view the website of our Portuguese Partner school!
Video in Portuguese sign language of "The nanny"
Team Portugal chose the ceramic sculpture of the nanny, representing typical working class woman of the 19th century breastfeeding the rich people's babies, to develop an inclusive toolkit for. They wanted to rise the accessibility of this artwork for people with hearing disabilities by providing sign language.
Video presenting inclusive measures of the José Malhoa museum
The Portuguese students created a video on all inclusive measures the José Malhoa Museum provides as a dissimination tool that features on their website.

3-D reproduction of section of "Os Bêbados"
This is a canvas embossed with clay reproducing a section of "os Bêbados", one of the most iconic paintings in museu José Malhoa. The Portuguese group has been working on adapting it to a more inclusive format and this is a sample of one of the solutions they came up with, directed to visually impaired people.
Puzzles of famous artworks
The students of Portugal developed puzzles from famous artworks, so the audience can have a playful interaction with the painting while also paying attention to the details it contains.

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